I awake at 12:30, I'm meeting with Amy at 2 for coffee at the Starbucks on 57th and Broadway. I spend some time getting ready around the apartment. Joe is meeting with Ariel for lunch before she does some back to school shopping. I leave the apartment at 1:55 and see if i can reschedule for 2:30 with amy. She has no problem with it so I make my way for Starbucks. I take the 1 to 57th st from 72nd st station, get off and meet Amy. She is kind of awkward in a funny way with weird perspectives on things, i'm not physically attracted to her by any means, her face has kind an odd look to it, almost like you can pick out the features that she inherited from her mom and dad, but at the same time she still has a great sense of humor. We talk about mostly shows were into but the conversation flows, she get's into some weird things though, like how here family strongly beleives in ghosts. For me that usually sends off a huge trigger for crazy as fuck, but this time she had some valid points. She says she used to live in a haunted house as a child and would always be met by a ghost of an old man wearing a top hat, and how here grandmother met the ghost of her mother the night that she died... kind of off, but it was a nice coffee meet. We then parted ways, she wanted me to go to see Newsies on broadway (60$ a ticket, totally not down to watch actors flail themselves over a stage just to possibly prolonge things with this girl) but I am going to decline. I'd rather wait untill I meet someone more suitable for myself.
At 5:30 I have plans to meet with Uncle John for dinner. I get a call at 5:25 that his taxi has dropped him off at 75th and Amsterdam, I walk from 72nd street station to go and meet him. I almost didn't recognize him, but the second I do I go in for a hug, we hug, shake hands, then hug again. Uncle John was allot different than I expected him to be for some reason. Knowing dad, I thought he would be sort of off, but he turned out to be much different than I though. Right after meeting he ask's where we should eat, I suggest freddie's and we walk in, after a second Uncle John says, "No, No, lets go somewhere better". We walk out of freddie's and he says "let's go to the apple store first."
He takes me to the Apple store on 71st and broadway. We go in and he says "I want you to get a connector to import your photos from your camera to your Ipad", I was thrown back by how kind of an action it was. Uncle John really cared about my photography, I thanked him perfusly and we took off to find a restaurant. We ended up walking down Amsterdam then walking back up Amsterdam until we found "Citrus" a reastaurant located right at 75th and Amsterdam ironically. Joe treats me to dinner, starting with some appatizers, then some pasta as an entree. While eating he gets a photo of the two of us for his Tumblr page. We then finish eating and catching up a little, he asks me some questions about the modeling process and then takes me to Jaques Torres Cholate Shop for some Frozen Hot Chocolate and very deccadent pieces of chocolate. We then finished up and parted ways after walking down a couple blocks towards his subway, he tells me if I ever need anything hes right in New Jersey and only a call away, I thank him for the wonderful evening and we part ways. He says "Love You" right as we part from one another. It's really comforting to know I have family looking out for me here, and it was great seeing Uncle John again, it's been about 10 years. 

I then get back to the apartment to find that Joe has left to Conneticut for the weekend, he left me three roaches and I had a great night blazing and watching TV.

Overall a wonderful day full of reassurment that i'm looked out for. 

Goodnight for now Journal, we'll meet again tommorrow.


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    Justin Sterling

    A 18 year old artist working as a model in New York City. My thoughts and events throughout my everyday life.


    August 2012